[dms-discuss] 2024-05-06 Meeting Minutes

Bill King bking94618 at gmail.com
Thu May 9 21:17:44 UTC 2024

On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 7:46 PM Braden Pellett <braden at davismakerspace.org>

> … —-snip—…

- Looks like Raspberry Pi is finally back in stock in various places, so
> perhaps time to think again about doing a workshop.
>   - Bill K still interested?

I’m still interested.

That’s great that Pies are available.

And, the project has already been written down and documented. I’d just
need to review in case anything has changed.

I just wonder if there’s enough interest in the topic of command line Linux
and projects using it. (Which would probably then include Python) The
thought was that the cheap Pies would make for a lower cost way to get
started. (Pi Zero 2 W is around $16 right now, plus a cheap card and a USB
charger (old phone charger is fine))

I think the command line is pretty cool, but then again, I do acknowledge
that I’m in the minority there. As they say “Contrary to popular belief,
Linux is a very user friendly OS. It’s just particular about who it makes
friends with.”

Should we instead go with GUI Raspberry Pi? Pi 3 or Pi 4 would be fine.
Maybe even Pi Zero 2 W…

I suppose we can offer it in the new MakerSpace and see what happens. I
don’t think I’d do it as a stand alone outdoor setup unless it piggy backed
on a Repair Cafe. Should we buy more of the Pi Zero 2 Ws? I have 2 that are
DMS and a couple of my own. We should probably buy some uSD cards as well.

Any thoughts on this? I did go by the library today to see what’s up and,
oops, no one there today.

Bill K

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