[dms-discuss] 2024-05-06 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue May 7 02:45:53 UTC 2024

2024-05-06 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (6/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M
- Roland


- Calendar updates for upcoming meetings dates:
  - June 3rd, July 1st, August 5th
- Remodeling was to be done in 90ish days, though perhaps sooner.
- Would be cool to have a get together for the remodeled space opening.
- Bill put up Makerspace fliers around town just after the post-Picnic day flier clean-out.
- A repair cafe would be a nice initial event at the new space.
- Julie will endeavor to have a 3d printer working in time for the new space.
- Next Maker Faire on October 18-20 at Mare Island.
  - Bill sees that they don't do booths for maker clubs anymore, though the do have booths for individual makers.
- Jax forwarded along communication from Nation of Makers.
  - They have meeting Mon, May 20th @ 8pm.
- Emily participating in Open Studios in Humboldt at beginning of June.
  - https://www.northcoastopenstudios.com/
- Julie doing some sewing projects at the Library.
- Looks like Raspberry Pi is finally back in stock in various places, so perhaps time to think again about doing a workshop.
  - Bill K still interested?

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