[dms-discuss] 2022-05-02 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue May 3 02:56:29 UTC 2022

2022-05-02 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance:

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M

Board members absent w/o notification:

- Roland

General public in attendance:

- Bill K


- Checking in on what we went over last time.
- Repair cafe is coming up; May 14.
  - Need to check on poster status.
  - Tentatively 11a - 2p.
    - Attending at least: Emily, Bill H, Julie M, Rob N (we think)
- Bill K talks about a Pi workshop.
  - Library staff is OK with the outdoor workshop.
  - Bill K experimented with connecting to and via the Library network to the Pi and users' laptops; looks to be working.
  - Open question as to where to go from there, depending on what peoples' interests are.
  - E.g. connecting for Bill H's air quality monitors, custom home assistant and monitor, etc.
  - Ideas and progress are on the wiki page (https://wiki.davismakerspace.org/RpiGPIO), both on the displayed page, and extra notes amongst the edit page view.
  - Bill H: be nice to think of something "flashy" for people to create in the end.
  - Bill K: Likes Bill H's idea of tracking air quality, but yeah, something flashy also interesting.
  - Bill H: Maybe air quality + big pretty display of the data.
  - Bill K: Recalls a Library display that lit up a giant light installation that shows what the current searches were.
  - Emily: Time for a workshop that both has a sensor read and some kind of output?  The magic for [her] was when you could cause something to happen; the interactivity provides the interest.
  - How is the Pi supply these days?
    - Collectively between Bill K ad Bill H should have enough for a workshop.
  - Goal would be to get a SD card setup on a Pi at the workshop, and then be able to take that card home to use on a Pi at home.
  - Could have an internal test run; for example, at the upcoming repair cafe.
- Bill H knows someone from Vet Med who has some extra stuff to try to find a new home for.
  - Emily suggests Larry as a person who might find something to do with some of it.
  - Bill K mentions the dump has an area for repurposing stuff.
  - Bill H will have pics of the stuff to the repair cafe.
- Try to nail down a date for Pi workshop?
  - July 2nd seems to have good availability among meeting attendees.
- Julie: Shall we indicate interest to the Makerspace Coordinator for Sac City College that we are also interested in the Potential Organization for Sacramento Area Makerspaces?
  - Support among those in attendance.
- Any tools or supplies needed for repair cafe?
  - Emily will bring the same things from the last one.
  - Bill K has various tools if needed.
  - Emily will contact the library about posters.
  - Emily will probably also bring some bottled water.
  - Bill H will bring some diet sodas and a donation can.

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