[dms-discuss] ArtAbout and Filament

Nicholas Weigand ntw at davismakerspace.org
Wed Dec 4 18:21:16 PST 2013

Hi Folks!

Sandy Thai from Davis Downtown dropped off some flyers for next
month's ArtAbout earlier today.  We are featured, and they even
included a photo from one of our exhibitors!  I've posted one on the
posterboard, and we have some extras beneath it.  I've also requested
a sign for the event, but didn't get any promises.  Please come if you
get the change (it is December 13th) and remember - it isn't too late
to show something.

On another note: I saw this deal
(https://www.massdrop.com/buy/pla-printer-plastic?mode=guest_open) on
massdrop earlier and thought I would share it.  It is down to about
$15/kg of 1.75mm PLA shipped.  I don't know who is producing the
filament or if it is any good but at about half the going rate I
thought it was worth a shot.


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