[dcw] Meeting tonight

Steve Edberg edb... at edberg-online.com
Mon Jul 2 14:20:12 PDT 2012

On 7/2/2012 1:00 PM, Darach Miller wrote:
> I believe it is at 7pm tonight? Davis bike collective?
> Is this correct?

That's what The Wiki says -


- although if we have no specific agenda/lots of people are on vacation,
perhaps we can postpone. The only things I can think of that we wanted
to do are:

 * make any minor tweaks to the top 5 names so we can do a final vote
 * decide on initial governance model - consensus? (did we do this last
time? my memory fails...it's not ECC, and them cosmic rays is flipping
my bits).
 * contemplate a space...however, we probably need to contemplate
fundraising first. Are there any highlights from the ArtBot first meeting?


| Steve Edberg                                  edb... at edberg-online.com |
| Programming/Database/SysAdmin            http://www.edberg-online.com/ |

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