Agenda (7/2)

Jordan Van Aalsburg at
Mon Jul 2 14:11:21 PDT 2012

Fellow Makers-

I've been camping for the last week and was unable to get the
agenda/reminder out sooner. We are meeting tonight at 7:00 at Bike Forth.
The format will be the same as always.
Here is the agenda:

* Additions to the agenda
* Discussion of names and final voting
     - At the last meeting it was proposed that the final vote take place
at tonight's meeting. Do we still want to do this? Or do we want do the
voting via email in an effort to include more people?
* Computing infrastructure: domain name, hosting, etc.
* Discussion of membership dues/fees
* Update on space search
* Update on group projects: mesh network, art-bots

Depending on the decision of the group we will either have a vote followed
by show-and-tell or go straight to the show-and-tell.

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