[dms-discuss] 2024-06-03 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue Jun 4 03:24:35 UTC 2024

2024-06-03 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (5/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M


- Edward B


- Emily (from Nicholas) notes that the Google Davis Makerspace entry shows us as "permanently closed"; would be nice to fix that.
  - Jax tried suggesting an edit; could also "claim the business" and get a postcard delivered to the library.
- Jax and Roland got new debit cards for the Makerspace account.
- Makerspace room is coming along; they got a couple more sewing machines and getting some new 3d printers.
- Edward suggests keeping in mind offering service to the various school sites out there that have some 3d printers in disrepair.
  - Julie suggests this could come along with building up the Makerspace and a base of knowledge and new people who could go out and do repairs.
- Edward: has there been any change in the mission of Davis Makerspace between the time in the alley and having a new space in the Library?
  - Emily: Maybe it is an opportunity to revisit that.
  - Jax: There may also not be a particular need for a change in the basic mission.
- Edward reiterates that the schools spent money on getting Makerspace hardware, but don't have the people to teach about using that hardware.
  - Jax recounts a Bay Area school that has a Makerspace with just one teacher, which enabled a lot of good projects.
- An important part of having the Makerspace would be the mentoring new Makers and thus growing the community of people who can teach others.
  - Could be interesting to try to connect more with UCD students as a source for volunteers.
  - Edward also mentions KDVS as a source for such mentors.
  - Jax also knows a society on campus that has a volunteer requirement.
- Julie says monthly sewing workshops are going well at the Library.
- Edward's puzzle-quest project could also help to draw people to the Makerspace.
  - Emily suggests he could give a workshop or presentation on it.
- Bill hopped on at the end, told him about the effort to find volunteers from campus.

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