[dms-discuss] 2024-07-01 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue Jul 2 02:36:18 UTC 2024

2024-07-01 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (5/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M


- Edward B


- Library bought a laser cutter!  From Full Spectrum Laser.
  - Make + model forthcoming.
- Bill K has been coming in and doing the paperwork to be a volunteer.
- Library makerspace construction is under way.
  - Can see progress here: https://yolocountylibrary.org/teenspace-makerspace-renovation/
- Library may need to bring in their own staff to help keep open hours.
- Edward should be able to fill in the rest of Mondays that Roland isn't there (6-8p), with Bill as a backup.
- To volunteer at the library, one will need to ask to sign up to be vetted; can ask at the front desk.

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