[dms-discuss] 2022-09-05 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue Sep 6 02:41:27 UTC 2022

2022-09-05 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (6/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M
- Roland

General public in attendance:

- Rob N
- Rosh H


- Emily got most of the equipment that was in her garage over to the Library for storage.
  - Perhaps the Library is able to take other DMS things floating out there...
- Though she'll be living elsewhere, Emily can still do some website work.
- Upcoming events
  - October 15: repair cafe
  - October 22: web workshop
  - Later... raspberry pi workshop
  - Need to check with Library about the promotion / poster for the upcoming events.
- Rosh introduces himself; part of a 3D printing club at UCD.  Curious about availability of a new space and any general collaborations.
  - Hopefully the Library space and general Library collaboration can help here.
  - Rosh will see about some from his group helping out with the upcoming repair cafe.
  - Tools we have are 3d printers, some hand tools, wood-working (though probably incompatible with Library space), soldering iron...
- Suggestion: start trying to have some "regular appearances" at the Library just to tinker with stuff and make what tools that are now at Library available for general use.
  - Perhaps also then could transition into more formal tool lending.
  - Rob also has DMS tools sitting in storage that could be added to the stuff at the Library.
  - We need to work out still exactly what is owned by versus loaned to the Library.
- Thanks to Emily for all her work and good wishes for her move!

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