[dms-discuss] Do we need a monitor?

Steve Edberg edberg at edberg-online.com
Thu Jan 8 09:51:06 PST 2015

Somebody at work has one of these -


- (28", 1920x1200, DVI/HDMI/VGA) he's willing to donate. It has one
problem: it takes a few minutes to come on when it's powered up; otherwise
it allegedly works fine. It could be a bad solder joint or flaky power
supply. If The Space is interested, I'll try and pop it open and see if
there's anything obviously amiss inside and repair it if it's within my
modest skillset.

| Steve Edberg                                  edberg at edberg-online.com |
| Programming/Database/SysAdmin            http://www.edberg-online.com/ |

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