[dms-discuss] Minutes from February's DMS General Meeting

Braden dms at dabrado.net
Thu Feb 26 21:24:49 PST 2015

Hi all,

Here are the minutes from the February meeting.

Attached is the markdown text file, and the HTML output is at:

Sorry for the delay!

-------------- next part --------------
- Call to Order
  - at 19:09
- Roll Call
  - Jeff, James, Braden, Jordan
  - Missing Bill (arrived @ 19:23)
  - Nicholas and Emily are away.
- Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes
  - No issues.
  - (Tim) Details were good.
- Call for Additions to the Agenda
  - (Rob) Public comments
  - (Tim) Recalling things from last meeting
    - Jim: Printrbot simple?
    - Nicholas: Scanect for selfie?
    - Bill: kits for the candy machine?
- Officers Report
  - President
    - James shared income/ expenses from last year:
      - ~$4500 income
      - ~$5400 expenses
      - ~$850 difference
      - Got a nice $1000 anonymous donation around the beginning of last year; any chance for a
      - Got a nice amount from cash donations, ~$1000
      - Would be nice if we weren't down ~$850; how can we up income?
  - Secretary
    - Nothing.
  - Treasurer
    - About half of the ~$850 was from one-off costs of getting non-profit status.
    - Should be able to get the ~$1000 donation again.
    - So, still about ~$400 deficit that would be good to overcome.
    - (Jordan) got something about tax stuff, seems important, will get details on what that is.
  - How did the officers meeting go last month?
    - (James) handed off some documents and got some info about protocols.
    - Food and drink.
- Subcommittee Reports
  - Events Committee
    - (Jordan) Got email about art about; if one is interested, please sent to to
      events at davismakerspace.org.
    - Seems like we have to be two months ahead in reporting desire for inclusion.
    - (Rob) Would help to get things going for the next Art About that we can be included in.
    - (Tim) Let's talk to Steve E. about his previous offer of electronic music for the Art About.
    - (Jordan) Fri Feb 20 is due date for March Art About.
    - (Rob) Let's make it happen.
      - Will contact Steve E.
      - (Jeff) Will help where needed.
    - (Jeff) Let us know if you have any other interesting ideas!
  - Key Committee
    - Some people are interested in volunteering and getting a key.
    - Nice to see people are interested!
    - (James) Are the emails asking to volunteer getting replied to?
      - (Jeff) Yes.
    - (Jim) Is available for standby to open the space if someone needs to.
    - (Bill) Would like to change hours to every other Sunday in the afternoons.
      - (Rob) We were indeed talking about afternoon hours.
      - (Bill) Will update the wiki.
- Old Business
  - (Tim) Did Jim get the chance to connect with Mick about the metal Printrbot Simple?
    - (Jim) Sorry, didn't get the chance; will do so.
  - (Tim) Did we ask about getting a free version of Scanect?
    - (James) Nicholas reported that they don't have any free offer for non-profits.
    - (Rob) Sent a link for some software that might be able to do it.
    - (Tim) will look for the email.
  - (Tim) Bill, let's talk about the kits for the candy machine.
    - (Jim) Has some Leonardo boards.
      - (Tim) That is pretty valuable! More than the 75c that the machine accepts.
  - (Rob) Saga of the Sarndbox
    - The fancy graphics card is too new for any hardware he has lying around.
    - The fancy card is just in case one wants to do water; so for now perhaps just use a weaker
      machine and just do the topo-mapping.
    - "mid-range 2012", some talk with Jim and Adam to look for stuff; have parts or access to
- New Business
  - None.
- Additions to Agenda
  - Member of the public
    - No comments.
- Adjournment
  - at 19:38

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