Bylaws (Group for the key access discussion)

James R Holliday jrhol... at
Tue Sep 10 14:34:06 PDT 2013


My understanding of our key policy is that it will be a part of
day-to-day operations and not encoded in our bylaws.  You're correct in
that this gives us a lot of flexibility of we can do.  For example, I
believe we can have a policy of providing key access as "thank you" for

> 1)  Some people still want to retain the "regular donation for key 
> access" approach.
> 2)  Some folks have suggested that key access should only provided
> to members out of neccessity

Obviously these two ideas conflict, and we as a group need to figure out
how to meet in the middle.

I think we should draft a sort of "Operations Handbook" that we use to
outline our day-to-day policies.  Something we can print out and
reference in the space whenever an operational decision needs to be made
or defended.  We should populate it with things like
  * Our code of conduct (you mess up, you fess up, etc)
  * Key access (physical and digital)
  * Key revocation
  * Expelling people from the space (bad behavior)
  * Supervision of minors
  * Accepting and culling of donations

Right now--ie, in *this* thread--we're focused just on digital key
access, but I'll start a handbook template and put it on our github account.

To keep the ball rolling:

I'd like to see a system where people who contribute to the space get a
digital (and revocable!) key.  People who offer to open the space and
monitor/oversee "open hours" are contributing their time.  People who
come and in work on the door or fix our wiring are contributing their
expertise.  People who make a financial donation are in my mind making
another type of needed contribution.

Directors and door maintainers should have a physical key in case of
power outage or misbehaving software, but (anonymous) physical keys
should only be used if (traceable) digital keys are unavailable.

And finally, key access is given and revoked at the will of the board or
a board appointed key manager.

Those are my initial comments.  Who will be next to speak up?


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