[dms-discuss] 2023-12-04 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue Dec 5 04:08:30 UTC 2023

2023-12-04 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (5/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M

General public present:

- Tom F.
- Edward B.

Board members absent with notice (1/6):

- Roland


- Elections
  - Bill on the board: All Aye
  - Braden on the board + Secretary: All Aye
  - Emily on the board: All Aye
  - Jax on the board: All Aye
  - Julie on the board + President: All Aye
  - Roland on the board + Treasurer: All Aye
- Library will be doing a sewing repair cafe like monthly events.
  - We didn't have people who know sewing and could lead such a thing, but they were able to find the people to host it themselves.
- Julie bringing in some projects to open hours to work on.
  - Fixed a bench whose legs detached due to being using for rocking.
- Emily worked on a new CMS for work and a canvas for her next painting project.
- Bill H working with a student who is building magnetohydrodynamic drives for use in salt-water.
- Edward B working on a game using QR codes around town to solve puzzles, to encourage opportunities for spontaneous joy.
  - Seeking additional backend help if anyone is interested.
  - Emily/Julie suggest working on the project at open hours @ library and/or sending information to the mailing list.
- Edward also having nice time using ChatGPT to help with programming projects.
- Emily has had more mixed results in the coding realm, though has had good success with it helping with email language.
- Bill H mentions the Cognitive Security group:
  - What: Public meetings of DCS where we discuss practical & theoretical aspects of Cognitive Security.
  - Why: Reduce your uncertainty, gain situational awareness, connect with local nestmates, have fun, do something meaningful, and open/enter a door towards engagement.
  - When: Thursdays from 5:30-7pm.
  - Where: Three Mile Brewing, downtown Davis.
  - Who: All are welcome to join. You will find us at a table with a sketchbook open.
  - A related paper: https://zenodo.org/records/10034512
- Library wants to start meeting again about room plans.
  - Mon 18th evening, timing TBD, may include Zoom.

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