[dms-discuss] 2023-08-07 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue Aug 8 02:42:02 UTC 2023

2023-08-07 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (5/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M


- Julie and Bill continue to hold hours at the library.
  - Lots of kids coming through.
  - Glue gun + Popsicle sticks have proven to be the most popular activity.
- Any social media announcements to make?
  - E.g. Seeking volunteers for additional open hours in 2 hour intervals, with at least one person plus at least one backup.
    - Request the people have attended at least 3 Makerspace events, including at least one General Meeting.
- MakerFaire is returning to the Bay Area, at Mare Island in Vallejo, October 13th-15th & 20th-22nd.
  - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maker-faire-bay-area-october-13-15-october-20-22-2023-tickets-673771979127
- Bill had talked with someone at Sac City with space at the University who wanted to do a food & beer-focused makerspace, which they have a grant for, though at first at least may require having some class credits to be able to attend.
- Some talk of AI / LLMs.
  - AI-assisted repair cafe?
- When next repair cafe?
  - November 4th in parallel with Library book sale for extra foot traffic, perhaps?
  - Julie will check with the Library.

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