[dms-discuss] 2023-04-03 Meeting Minutes

Braden Pellett braden at davismakerspace.org
Tue Apr 4 02:37:15 UTC 2023

2023-04-03 Meeting Minutes

Board members in attendance (6/6):

- Bill H
- Braden P
- Emily S
- Jax
- Julie M
- Roland


- Crista was wondering if anyone can help with their Lolzbot 3D printer.
  - None of us in the meeting have specific experience with that model.
  - Perhaps worth asking the discuss list.
- Crista would like to expand their Cricut program to a general Maker program on the fourth Monday of the month from 6:30-8pm.
  - Julie should be able to attend this.
- Crista also would like to have Saturday Makerspace hours.
  - Saturday not good for Julie.
  - Need to see if anyone else might be able to help on Saturdays.
- Speaking of having people at open hours, though about revising our volunteer policy to handle how we handle new "members", since the key policy doesn't exactly cover the current circumstances.
  - Thinking that, in addition to what the library needs for vetting, perhaps we'd like such people to have attended 3 Makerspace events, at least one of which should be a General Meeting, so that we can have a chance to get the know the person, and them us.
- Next repair cafe is April 15, 11a-2p.
  - Yes, that is Picnic Day, for better or worse.
  - Emily won't be able to attend, but wondering about some kind of makery giveaway item.
  - At least Julie and Bill will be able to come. Roland is a maybe.

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